Been In An Accident While Driving Your Semi? Signs You Need A Truck Accident Attorney

If you're a truck driver, you need to protect yourself after an accident. That includes hiring a truck accident attorney. You might think you can't get a truck accident attorney if you're the truck driver. That's not the case though. If you're at fault for the accident, an attorney can help reduce your liability. That means you can avoid a hefty settlement. There are other reasons to hire an attorney if you're in an accident while you're driving your semi-truck. Read the list below. If you're dealing with any of the issues described here, it's time to hire a truck accident attorney. 

You're an Independent Contractor

If you're an independent contractor, you need to hire a truck accident attorney right away. When you're an independent contractor, you don't have a company to support you after an accident. Unfortunately, that means all the liability rests on your shoulders. If you don't have enough insurance, you could lose your livelihood. That's where a truck accident attorney comes into the picture. An attorney can help you avoid disaster when you're an independent contractor. 

Your Employer Isn't Assisting You

If you drive for a trucking company, you expect your employers to support you after an accident. That doesn't always happen. Some trucking companies will let their drivers go after an accident. That can happen, even if you aren't at fault for the accident. If you're not getting the help you need from the owner of the trucking company, hire a truck accident attorney. They can help you fight the claims against you. 

You're Not at Fault for Accident

If you were involved in a traffic accident while driving your semi-truck, don't wait to hire an attorney. This step is especially important if you aren't at fault for the accident. Accidents can happen when drivers don't give trucks enough space on the highway. They can also happen when cars get driven in blind spots. If any of those issues caused your traffic accident, you need to hire a truck accident attorney. They can help you get the evidence you need to prove you weren't at fault for the truck vs car accident. 

Your Truck Malfunctioned

If your semi-truck malfunctioned before the traffic accident, contact an accident attorney right away. That's especially important if the malfunction was caused by a defect in the truck. An attorney can help you avoid liability for a defect-related truck accident.  

For more info, contact a local company like The Brogdon Firm.
