3 Questions Answered About Workers’ Compensation

Being hurt at work is certain to wreak financial havoc on your life. Not being able to work and dealing with medical bills can be devastating. The best way for you to get through this challenging time is by receiving workers' compensation to help you do to so. Getting your specific questions answered can be helpful to you when suffering from a work-related injury. What does Workers' Compensation Cover? Workers' compensation will cover injuries that qualify in the workplace or that are related to the job. Read More 

Are You A Physician? Handle Patient Terminations Carefully To Avoid A Lawsuit

If you're a physician, you probably never imagined a situation in which you'd end up "firing" a patient from your practice. Unfortunately, it happens for a variety of reasons. However, you have to handle the situation carefully so that you don't end up the defendant in a personal injury lawsuit due to patient abandonment. Make sure that you have a legitimate reason to terminate the relationship. There are a number of perfectly sound reasons that you can have for deciding to terminate the relationship with one of your patients: Read More 

Refuting Misconceptions Regarding Medical Malpractice Cases

Suffering a serious injury or developing an illness is always an unpleasant experience, and people rely on their doctors to treat these problems. However, it is a reality that some doctors can make mistakes when treating their patients that result in serious harm being done. When this happens to you, there is a chance that you may be able to sue the doctor for medical malpractice, but this is a frequently misunderstood area of law. Read More 

About Hiring A Lawyer After Getting Attacked By A Dog

Did you get chased down and attacked by someone's unleashed dog? Depending on the local laws about unleashed dogs, you may be able to sue the owner of the pet for what happened. If you live in Tampa, for example, you'll need to find a trial attorney in Tampa, FL. Find out in this article what a lawyer can do to get you paid in a dog bite lawsuit as well as what the legal fees are estimated to cost. Read More 

Supporting Veterans With Difficult VA Claims

Dealing with the Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claim system is no difficult task. The information required can be confusing and a lot of the evidence needed may be missing if your previous tours of duty lacked decent administrative organization. If you're working on appealing a claim decision or haven't seen any movement on your claim for a few months, take time to understand what the problem could be and how an attorney could help. Read More